Thursday, November 28, 2019

Andy Warhols Impact On Art Essays - Andy Warhol, Ruthenian Catholics

Andy Warhol's Impact On Art andy warhol's impact on art Page 1 Andrew Warhola was born August Sixth, 1928, in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. He was the youngest son of Julie and Andrej Warhola, both immigrants from Czechoslovakia. After a quiet childhood spent alternately alone and in art classes, Andrew went to college. He then got a job doing commercial art, largely advertisements for large companies. Over time his name was shortened and Andy Warhol changed the face of modern art. Through his silver lined Factory and the many people who frequented it a revolution was born. This paper will discuss some of these people and examine the impact they all made on modern art. Ruska Dolina was a small Ruthenian suburb of Pittsburgh. It was populated with, of course, eastern European immigrants. Andy Warhol was born into this very close-knit neighborhood speaking his parent's native tongue. Julia Warhola was herself a bit of an artist, in later years she would collaborate with her youngest son. Andrej Warhola worked in the great steel mills of Pittsbur gh. The Warhola household was very typical of the times. Julia would stay home, cook, and read to her boys while Mr. Warhola worked in a steel mill sweatshop with hundreds of other immigrants. The family was strictly Eastern Orthodox Catholics. On Sunday, the day of rest, no one was allowed to move. These days were passed indoors with Mrs. Warhola telling stories to the boys. Like most children, Andrew collected the pictures and posters of various celebrities that would define such a body of his work in later years. Andrew was a rather small boy. In interviews Andy Warhol said that he was pale and scrawny and that he was thusly bullied on several occasions by his classmates. When he was fourteen Andrew's father died of tuberculosis, a common malady of the times, especially for the profession. This had a profound affect on young Andrew. As was the Orthodox tradition, the body was laid out in the house for three days of mourning and visitation. During this span Andrew hid under his be d refusing to look at his father's body. Despite the poorly paying job, Andrej managed to set aside money for college. However, he saved only enough to send one child, and the general consensus was that this would be Andrew. In Fifth grade Andrew started attending the free Saturday classes that the Carnegie Institute taught. It is noted that even then young Andrew excelled at his art. Due to the bullying by his classmates he stayed inside a great deal, working on his art. Due to his aptitude in school, Andrew skipped two grades and was admitted into the Carnegie Institute of Technology at the young age of 16. Once in the school Andrew was admitted to the Department of Painting and Design. He studied various aspects of commercial graphic design and after his graduation he moved to New York to seek his fortune. Page 2 Once out of college Andrew of course had very little money and for a brief while he shared a basement apartment with seventeen other individuals. Finding employment dema nded a never-ending series of portfolio submissions. In an interview Andrew said that his name was accidentally changed to Warhol. He says that it was never a conscious decision, it rather happened over time. Regardless, the name change stuck, the first name was shortened, and the world-renowned artist was forming. The basement with seventeen roommates did not last long; Andy was rather fast at finding steady employment. In 1951, two years out of school, Andy Warhol bought a nice apartment for himself. Shortly thereafter his mother and her three cats showed up one evening. Julia Warhola was to live with the son she adored so greatly for her remaining twenty years. During these two decades Andy kept his home life strikingly separate from his public persona. His time with his mother was cherished. Julia was in fact his first collaborator in art. Andy helped her make a book about cats and *censored* heaven, where all cats went. This book was an interesting mixture of his mother's folk art background and his unique styling. Over this time Andy Warhol had his world famous silver

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Palamon accuses Arcite Essay Example

Palamon accuses Arcite Essay Example Palamon accuses Arcite Essay Palamon accuses Arcite Essay Saturn (the planet that rules chaos), says Arcite, must have given them this misfortune. This is a rational attitude regarding fortune, but it quickly changes when Arcite sees Emelye and falls in love with her himself. Suddenly he is willing to forego his oldest bond of knighthoodhis bond with Palamonfor the sake of a lady he has not even met. They start to quarrel, and Palamon accuses Arcite of breaking their sworn oath. Like a child, Palamon claims that Emelye is his because he saw her first.Arcite notes that theres a difference in each ones love: Palamon loves her in holinesse, not even knowing whether shes a woman; while Arcite loves her as a fellow creature (lines 300-301), that is, as a woman. It may be that Arcite is right, but he uses the argument to prove that alls fair in love, which justifies breaking his vow. Does it? Well have to see which vowlove or bloodis the more lasting. When Arcites fortune changes through the love of Perotheus and the mercy of Theseus, hes unable to see that its really Gods purveyaunce (providence) (line 394) thats setting him free.Instead, he can see only as far as the physical things of nature, and moans that not erthe, water, fyr, ne air/Ne creature (lines 388-389) can help him. (He also uses a classical image of man being drunk, meaning that his brain is muddled by seeing only lower things and not spiritual heights. But Arcite cannot see that he is doing exactly that. ) Palamons prison, he complains, is really Paradise, and fortune has thrown him good dice (line 380). Meanwhile Palamon is saying the same things about Arcite.While Arcite wonders why people cant just accept Gods will and fortune (which he himself cant), Palamon asks what governaunce (justice or reason) there is in Gods foreknowledge (line 455). Each knight refuses to accept his fate and is torn between what he wants and what he has, between passion and duty. One is in prison and can see his lady; one is exiled and cut off from his beloved. Which of them, the Knight asks us with a sly grin, is the worse off? Arcite, pale and ill from love, has a dream in which Mercury, messenger of the gods, tells him, To Attenes shaltou wende [go],Ther is thee shapen of thy wo an ende [there the end of your woe is arranged]. (lines 533-534) Believing this means he will win Emelye, he risks death by returning to Athens. What he doesnt know is that his ende means his death. (In Christian imagery, Mercury often stands for the Devil. ) Fortune takes over from the time that Arcite, al alone, returns to Athens in disguise. NOTE: The idea of aloneness versus company, the ideal of the common good, appears throughout the tale. Theseus, the good ruler, consults his parliament and travels with others.Aloneness, some readers believe, means the way to death. In a circular pattern, we are back in May, and Were it by aventure or destinee (As, when a thing is shapen, it shal be) (lines 607-608) Palamon escapes just in time to see Arcite reveal his identity in the grove. Palamon threatens to kill him for breaking their knights code and his promise to Theseus not to return. Again, we are meant to see which promises are the more important. As we see later, Palamon considers the knights honor (which is tied to Venus) to be more important than winning a battle.Arcite believes the battle the most important thing. They agree to fight to the death the next day. Destiny is so strong that it determines what happens, in this instance and also in all situationsAll is this ruled by the sight above (line 814), i. e. , Gods knowledge. According to the divine plan, Theseus, Hippolyta, and Emelye arrive in the middle of the battle. Here is where Palamon shows honor by confessing the whole mess and asking for death. Theseus is angry that they are fighting withouten judge or other officer (line 854), in other words, outside the order imposed by law and reason.He agrees to spare their lives when the women plead for mercy and he sees that the fight is over love. He is still angry in his heart, Yet in his reason he them both excused (line 908). Theseus decides to settle the problem in an ordered game of battle where no one will be killed. This battle will determine whether love or might triumphs. Part III opens with a lavish description of Theseus building of the joust arena and the altars prepared for the gods of the main characters: Venus for Palamon, Mars for Arcite, Diana for Emelye.Each god is depicted in the cruelest termsVenus as the goddess of lovers broken sleeps and cold sighs (line 1062); Mars as the war god that brings death and destruction; Diana, goddess of chastity, as a cruel huntress. Each knight prays for victory and gets a sign that he interprets as meaning that hell be victorious. At the same time, the gods argue it out in the heavens, with Saturn, the god and planet of death, promising Venus that her man Palamon will win eventually. But she and Mars must keep peace between them for awhile, since their opposition creates swich divisioun (line 1618).Even though Saturn is a mean spirit, his main purpose here is to create harmony among the gods and the mortals below. Life cant exist without harmony or without pain, Saturn is saying; the suggestion is that this is the reason behind fortunes ups and down. The final section takes us onto the battlefield where Arcites knights fight for Mars (and Emelye) and Palamons for Venus (and Emelye). The rhetorical description of the battle, which some say represents sexual struggle, embodies human conflict the way cowboy films do; knights fall off horses and the crowd cheers or boos.Finally Mars knight Arcite wins the contest. When Arcites short-lived victory is literally overturned by his pitching horse, were told that the expulsive, animal, or natural virtues couldnt help him. NOTE: Three virtues, the vital, natural, and animal, were believed to control the body. In Arcite, the animal virtue, connected with the brain, cant expel the poison from the natural virtue, connected with the liver. Nature loses her hold on his life. He dies Allone, withouten any company, without having gained the desire of his dreams.The only consolation for Arcites death comes from Theseus old father Egeus, who knows the worlds transmutation and has seen it change both up and down (lines 1981-1982). This reminds us of love as well as life, for weve been told before that lovers go now up, now down, like a bucket in a well (line 675). The world always changes according to fortune, Egeus says, and he reminds us of the wider context of the tale when he says This world is just a thoroughfare of woe, And we are pilgrims, passing to and fro.(lines 1989-1990) There is even some humor in the orderly telling of Arcites funeral, which the Knight describes by saying what he wont describe. But after this ritual of death and honor, life begins again with Theseus explaining the point of the tale, that lifes order is a natural one, of fortune, love, life, and death. Everything is part of a perfect whole established by the First Mover (God), but lives its allotted time before the next generation succeeds. Then it is wisdom, as it seems to me,To make a virtue of necessity. (lines 2183-2184) In other words, Theseus makes the best of the nature we are given. Pain and death are inevitable, but lets enjoy it all to get the most out of life. What Palamon and Arcite couldnt settle between themthe problems of passion, duty, and fortuneare resolved by Theseus in this wise speech. The marriage of Palamon and Emelye is the outcome of this philosophy, and also shows how, within the wheel of fortune, happiness can exist along with, even because of, sadness and suffering.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why do you think Fr. Lawton says the journey to be oneself seems the Essay - 3

Why do you think Fr. Lawton says the journey to be oneself seems the riskiest of all journeys What risks lie ahead in your college career as you embark on th - Essay Example Choosing friends with a degree of discrimination, such as those who share the same priorities as I is essentially accomplished by the same methodology as in high school. Nervous anticipation is probably the best description for the feeling, meeting new people from far-off places, hoping my background either matches or complements theirs. Leaving the protective and structured home-life is the greatest adjustment, at least for me; therefore, the most frightening because the pitfalls related to the unknown are the largest and easiest to fall into. Everyone knows at least an overview of a similar story which was related to me by my parents on many occasions. Many want to get as far away from their parents and home town as possible and others want the security home provides while being allowed to make their own choices, in other words, to have their cake and eat it to. Finally the day comes when they leave the nest to embark on the great adventure that is life. Nearly to a person, once they have flown, they lament about the carefree days of childhood when there were no bills to pay, were not forced to discipline themselves and if a problem arose, they could just call mom or dad and they would magically fix it. Instead of having to grudgingly get up every morning to an annoying alarm bell and eat cold pizza for breakfast, as children, mother came in, opened up the drapes then returned as often as need to gently awaken you as the smell of a hot, nutritious breakfast tempted you to life. Freedom is a two-edged sword, a fact of lif e that is generally shockingly discovered only after leaving home. Living away from home is great but it has its downsides as well. That first month away from home is truly a liberating feeling. You can to whatever you want on a whim and have to answer to no one. You can eat ice cream for breakfast at the crack of noon when you wake, come home when the party is over for a change and watch whatever disgusting

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Government Corruptness in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Government Corruptness in China - Essay Example It is very hard to fight against corruption in the country with self-appointed leaders. Their work is performed by their advisors and thinkers. It is necessary to take Chinese leaders out of their thinking vacuum filled with Marxism into a global context. Another thinker George Zhibin Gu supposed that occurrence of corruption in Chinese government is possible and even predicted. Li was a cruel ruler, who forbade freedom of thoughts, reading some books, travelling and other insane communist methods (Glassman 1991, p. 32). From a social perspective, corruption in China may be referred to: â€Å"the low wages of civil servants, the many opportunities for corruption during the last two decades of Deng Xiaoping's modernization policy, and the lack of political will in implementing anticorruption measures against senior party officials† (Glassman 1991, p. 41). Unfortunately, no radical measures were taken to stop corruption in the country. The death penalty for bribery was not effec tive against senior party officials. Corruption in Communist China In 80s Chinese society considered bribery as "the most prevailing social crime" (Gu, 2010). A social turmoil caused by protests against corruption occurred in 1989 when students went to demonstration against it. Mass media in China has "dramatically increased the exposure of corruption cases to highlight the party's determination and efforts to repress corruptions" (Gong 1994, p. 54). Unfortunately, these actions were not effective and corruption remains one of the most negative phenomena in the Chinese society. Corruption is an unhealthy practice and there is a need to look for an efficient remedy for it. On the other hand, once political system of the country has started its work in a close coexistence with corruption, it means that it accepts it. Nevertheless, for Chinese society the Chinese Communist Party makes an attempt to purify its image and develops anticorruption strategies and rules. For example, it stren gthens a production control; forbids any presents at work for officials; disciplinary penalties are applied for public offenders (Wei-Ming, 1996). The cases of corruption were mishandled in 1987 when the Central Discipline Inspection Commission (CDIC) and the Ministry of Supervision (MOS) were reestablished to curb corruption and maladministration (Wei-Ming, 1996). This happened in 1982. But 1987 numerous complaints were accumulated by these institutions, but they could not be dealt with because of a lack of political will. The Chinese government has decided to subject corrupted officials to death penalty in case they accept brines exceeding 100,000 Yuan, or US$ 12,000 (Gu, 2010). Explanation of corruption Therefore, it is relevant to develop a complex approach for dealing with corruption in China. In accordance with Huntington's theory on corruption, this phenomenon is positioned as a lack of a proper "political institutionalization"(Wei-Ming, 1996). In case institutionalization is present to the fullest extent, political processes are stable and applied procedures are valuable. Moreover, the researcher suggests that a possible reason of corruption may be bureaucracy dependency on other social groupings and act in accordance with bureaucratic methods of behavior. It should be noted that corruption may be caused by an external influence of officials caused by their families and relatives, because the primary goal of officials is not to act in favor of the government, but to act in favor of their families. It is possible to take into account other factors causing corruption: an improper adaptation of the government to the changing environment; deregulation of social activities and economic practices of the country; excessive discretion

Monday, November 18, 2019

How the theory of supply and demand affects activities in the property Essay

How the theory of supply and demand affects activities in the property markets - Essay Example Interaction of the supply and demand curve for property determines the value of the property in this case. This report goes into great detail to explain the basic economic concepts of demand and supply and how they apply to the property market. Demand And Supply In The Property Market Demand and supply are one of the most basic economic concepts, yet their applicability is extremely wide spread in our daily lives. In a free market economy, it is the interaction of demand and supply which determines the quantity of goods to be bought and sold, and consequently the price at which this transaction would be carried out. This level is known as consumer equilibrium and can be shown on a graph when the supply and demand curve intersect each other. Demand simply refers to the amount of goods or service that a person is is willing and able to purchase at a given price level (Turvey, 1971). The demand for a product and its price are inversely related, that is more goods are demanded when their prices are low as compared to when their prices are high. The demand curve is a downward sloping curve with price and quantity on its axes and depicts what's just mentioned above. There are many factors which influence the demand of a product like the availability of substitute and complementary goods, tastes of people, the level of disposable income, the elasticity of demand, customer expectations and expectations of future. Supply on the other hand is related to suppliers and it refers to the the quantity of good and services that are made available by suppliers in the open market. Totally opposite to the law of demand, the supply of goods and their price are directly related, that is suppliers are willing to supply more quantities of goods at higher prices then as compared to lower prices. Consequently, the supply curve is a upwards sloping curve, having price and quantity on its axes respectively. As with demand, there are certain factors which influence the supply of a product . Some of the main factors include the price of the input, expectations of the future, the current state of technology available, the price of substitute and complementary goods and the number of suppliers in the market. Market equilibrium can be defined as the combination of quantity and price level where the quantity of goods demanded equals the quantity of goods supplied. This point can be determined on the graph where the supply and demand curve intersect each other (Turvey,1971). There are also situations when a demand or supply curve simply shifts inwards or arches outwards. A demand curve shifting outwards simply means that more quantities of goods are now demanded at the same price level as compared to before. Similarly, an outward shift in the supply curve would mean that now the suppliers are willing to supply more goods and services at the same price level as compared to before. The demand curve, for example, shifts towards the outside when the level of disposable income increases (in the case of normal goods), the price of a substitute good rises and when the price of a complementary good falls. On the other hand, outward shifts in the supply curve are usually experienced due to betterment in technology which results in lowering the cost, or when bumper crop is produced in a season. The theory of demand and supply affects activities in the property markets in pretty much a similar manner as it does in any other market. However, there are are a few different

Friday, November 15, 2019

Jim O Conner From The Glass Menagerie English Literature Essay

Jim O Conner From The Glass Menagerie English Literature Essay The character Jim OConner in The Glass Menagerie is of the gentleman caller. Tom describes Jim in his opening monologue as the most realistic character in the play, being an emissary from a world of reality that we were somehow set apart from. (858) Jim is portrayed as having qualities that are wonderful and without any flaws. These qualities are demonstrated by Jim up until the very end of the play when his true characteristics are fully revealed through his actions. Jim is an acquaintance of Tom and Laura from when they were in high school. He was very popular during his time at Soldan High School. He now works as a shipping clerk for a shoe warehouse where Tom and Jim end up become better friends. It is the same shoe warehouse Tom works for. Jim is the gentleman caller who is invited to dinner by Tom, and who Amanda is hoping will be a future husband for Laura. Tom honestly feels that Jim is different from all the members of the Wingfield family because he is facing reality instead of living in denial of it. Jim was an outstanding success in high school He was shooting with such velocity through his adolescence that you would logically expect him to arrive at nothing short of the White House by the time he was thirty (879) and everyone thought he would succeed in life. He is currently working as a shipping clerk, which is only a slightly better position than Toms. However, Jim is a cheerful, optimistic young man, who is determined to get ahead in life. He is studying public speaking and radio engineering at night school, and wants to go into the fledgling television industry. I believe in the future of television! I wish to be ready to go up right along with it. Therefore Im planning to get in on the ground floor. In fact Ive already made the right connections and all that remains is for the industry itself to get under way! Full steam Knowledge Zzzzzp! Money Zzzzzp! Power! Thats the cycle democracy is built on. (894) When he has dinner with the Wingfield family, Jim tries his best to draw Laura out of her shell. He ends up being the only character able to break through into Lauras secret world. He seems to be the most sincere person in the play and seems to be very honest and friendly. The reader is made to feel they can trust him. Jims character seems to come to life in his conversation with Laura. Even though he is ordinary, it is contact with the ordinary that Laura needs. It is not surprising that ordinary seems to be magnificence to Laura. Since Laura had known Jim in high school when he was considered the all-American boy, she could never bring herself to look on him now in any way other than exceptional. He is the one boy that she has had a crush on and he is her ideal dream. In the candlelight conversation Jim has with Laura he becomes wrapped up in reliving his own past. He seems to once again think that he is that high school hero who swept the girls off their feet. Due to the fact that Jim has become engrossed in playing the role of high school hero and also amateur psychiatrist, he failed to see what emotions he was building up in Laura. Jim simply had an honest desire to help Laura with her shyness. He is obviously very drawn to Laura in a romantic sense as well. He admits this to her while describing her beauty In all respects-believe me! Your eyes- your hair- are pretty! Your hands are pretty! (896) how she makes him feel different than any other girl does. I wish that you were my sister. Id teach you to have some confidence in yourself. The different people are not like other people, but being different is nothing to be ashamed of. Because other people are not such wonderful people. Theyre one hundred times one thousand. Youre one times one! They walk all over the earth. You just stay here. Theyre common as weeds, but you well, youre Blue Roses! (896) To Laura Jim has always been and still is wonderful and exceptional. He is so different from her world that he appears to be the prize she has been longing to win. Since Laura lives in a world of illusion, he is her knight in shining armor. Jims desires run away with him and he makes the mistake of kissing Laura. He makes her heart swells up with romance only to pierce it with the disclosure that he is engaged to be married. Laura is like a piece of her glass menagerie. She is fragile and needs to be treated very carefully. When she states Glass breaks so easily. No matter how careful you are she is giving foresight into the events that will unfold. Jim has broken her without realizing it. You think of yourself as having the only problems, as being the only one who is disappointed. But just look around you and you will see lots of people as disappointed as you are. (891) The most accurate description of Jim comes near the end of the play when Jim refers to himself as a stumble-john.(897)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

My Career, My Career Interest, and the Value of a College Education Ess

My Career, My Career Interest, and the Value of a College Education Abstract My career path has been chosen for me through heredity, as my length of time on Earth has been pre-determined by the Great Creator. How I choose to use this time will be referred to as my success statement of life. How I am remembered will depend on what I accomplish. In short, life is given, but not guaranteed. We all have the choices before us, which determine if life is easy or difficult. Many times, I had the option of all or nothing, and for some reason chose all every time. In this paper, I will explore my present career as a manufacturing engineer, a career interest as a plant manager, and the value of a college education to organizations, customers, and myself. A small bit of historical information is in order to set the tone for this presentation. I was raised, as most young boys are, learning to read, write, and the other necessary evils of elementary education. My father was finally discharged from the U.S. Army Air Corp. and World War II, where he had been a Lt. Col., and taught the use of the Norden Bombsight to bombardiers and crews of the time. My early years were basically fun years, as I learned how to fish, shoot, hunt, about dogs, cats, and toys†¦many, many, toys. My mother believed in spoiling me, since I was the only child, and for eight years, I was the only object of me parents’ attention. In 1958, however, that situation changed forever, with the birth of my little brother, and three years later, my little sister arrived. These two events, little did I realize, would have a profound effect on my life. They would alter the way I felt about life, contribute to changes in my personality, and most of all, formed the basis for my later life in general, including my chosen profession.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My father, prior to WWII, worked for Victor adding Machine Company, who designed the Norden Bombsight. After the war, he and another man started an oil well drilling company. He did all the engineering required except for the Geology, and co-owned the company until the late 1950’s. My father was not a degreed petroleum engineer, but was in fact qualified. He had studied under his father, who also had owned an oil company in Southern Illinois for most of his life. My â€Å"inherited engineering† skills were already a part of my genetic make-up from birth. The only thing that ch... ...e are not capable of managing quality service." ( © website). I intend to focus my knowledge and skills gained from the UOP courses I have taken on building solid relationships with existing and potential customers, in order to assure them that I am capable of handling their business in a most professional manner. References Bishop, Joyce, Carter, Carol, & Kravits, Sarah Lyman, â€Å"Keys to College Studying: Becoming a Lifelong Learner.,† Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2002. Garvin, David A., "Quality on the Line," Harvard Business Review, September October 1983, pp. 64-75. Ishikawa, Kaoru, "How to Apply Company wide Quality Control in Foreign Countries," Quality Progress, September 1989, pp. 70-74. Juran, J.M., "Japanese and Western Quality A Contrast," Quality, January 1979, pages 8 12; and February 1979, pp. 12-15. Juran, J. M., "The QC Circle Phenomenon," Industrial Quality Control, January 1967, pp. 329-36. Kanigel, Robert. The One Best Way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the Enigma of Efficiency. New York: Viking Press. 1997. Customer Relationship Management2001-4 Retrieved May 28, 2005 from: